Confessions of an Economic Hitman John Perkins video
Flashback: Benazir Bhutto Says Osama Bin Laden Dead In 2007!
Benazir Bhutto named Osama bin Laden’s killer before her death
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Murdered Osama bin-Laden
In a November 2, 2007 interview, less than two months before she would be assassinated, Benazir Bhutto was asked by reporter David Frost of Al-Jazeera English about a letter that she had sent to Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. The letter outlined who she believed should be investigated in the event of her assassination. While giving her answer, she listed as one of the suspects a "key figure in security... a former military officer in Pakistan" who had dealings with, among others, "Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin-Laden."
Jump to 1:37 to hear this portion of the interview:
(I should probably tell you that this is not the original video I posted. That one is "no longer available". Since I have this sneaky feeling that this is not the last time this post's video will somehow become unavailable, please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll refresh it.)
If that name, Omar Shieikh, sounds familiar it's because he was a key figure in some huge stories between 1999 and 2002. His full name is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and multiple variations of those names are used to describe him including Omar Sheikh and Saeed Sheikh. Here's how you may have heard of him:
- In 1999, Indian Airlines flight 814 was hijacked by Pakistani nationals. In return for the hostages, the hijackers demanded India release the leaders of the ISI (the Pakistani version of the CIA) funded group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. One of these leaders was Omar Sheikh.
- In the months before 9/11, using the alias "Mustafa Mohammad Ahmed", Omar Sheikh transferred at least $100,000 to Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers.
- Omar Sheikh was sentenced to death in 2002 for the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Having trouble wrapping your head around this? I was too, so I did a little research. First, let's see if this revelation that Omar Sheikh murdered Osama bin-Laden is even possible. I guess the first question would be 'Is Osama bin-Laden dead'?
There are a few reports from around the world that I found that indicated that Osama bin-Laden had died. One report from a French newspaper said that Osama bin-Laden died on August 23, 2006 of typhoid fever. However, if Benazir Bhutto is to be taken at her word, this report cannot be true because Omar Sheikh has been in Pakistani police custody since February 2002 for the murder of Daniel Pearl.
However, some other reports, which seem to make some sense, indicated that Osama bin-Laden died in December 2001. An Egyptian newspaper called al-Wafd published the following article (Volume 15 No 4633) on December 26th, 2001:
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.
If the funeral took place 10 days before this article was published in al-Wafd and The Observer of Pakistan, this would put the death of Osama bin-Laden around the 16th or 17th of December 2001. Israeli intelligence officials also told reporters in October 2002 that they and United States officials believe that Osama bin-Laden had been killed in December 2001.
If you look at a timeline of events involving Osama bin-Laden, ignoring the questionable videotapes, there is a noticeable shift in the type of communication Osama bin-Laden has with the world and the rhetoric used by Bush Administration and Pakistani officials in regards to the threat Osama bin-Laden poses starting in the middle of December 2001. Some highlights:
September 15, 2001 – President Bush says of bin-Laden, “If he thinks he can hide and run from the United States and our allies, he will be sorely mistaken.”
September 17, 2001 – President Bush says, “I want justice. And there’s an old poster out West, I recall, that says, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive.’”November 7, 2001 - Pakistani reporter Hamid Mir interviews Osama bin-Laden in person.
November 25, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden gives his last known public speech to his followers in Milawa , Afghanistan , a village located on the route from Tora Bora to the Pakistani border.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
November 28, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden reportedly escapes Tora Bora
December 15, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden's voice is reportedly intercepted for the last time communicating with his fighters in Tora Bora via his shortwave radio
December 17, 2001 - US Intelligence and Pentagon officials admit they have lost Osama bin-Laden
December 26, 2001 - Article about Osama bin-Laden's funeral is published in Pakistan and Egypt . The funeral allegedly takes place about 10 days earlier. The article is also discussed by Fox News.
January 18, 2002 – Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf tells CNN that he believes Osama bin-Laden to be dead
January 27, 2002 - Vice President Dick Cheney says that Osama bin-Laden "isn't that big of a threat. Bin Laden connected to this worldwide organization of terror is a threat."
January 27, 2002 – White House Chief of Staff Andy Card tells CNN, “"I do not know for a fact that he's alive. I happen to believe he's probably alive… Our overall objective is to defeat terrorism, wherever it is around the world. And so, our objective is not to get Osama bin Laden."
January 29, 2002 – President Bush delivers his first State of the Union address since 9/11. While he labels Iraq , Iran , and North Korea the “axis of evil”, he fails to mention Osama bin-Laden at all.
March 13, 2002 – President Bush says, “Deep in my heart I know the man is on the run, if he's alive at all… He’s a person who’s now been marginalized.… I just don’t spend that much time on him.… I truly am not that concerned about him.”
April 4, 2002 - Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers says, "The goal has never been to get bin-Laden"
October 16, 2002 – Middle East Newsline reports that Israeli Intelligence officials confirmed that Israel and the United States believe Osama bin-Laden was killed in mid-December 2001 during the Tora Bora bombing campaign.This timeline, with Osama bin-Laden's death allegedly occurring in the middle of December 2001, makes it possible that Omar Sheikh could have committed the murder. From October 2001 through January 19, 2002, Omar Sheikh was living openly in his home in Lahore, Pakistan. His positions as leader of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (a Taliban and Osama bin-Laden partner) and ISI agent (the source of funds for Harkat-ul-Mujahideen) would also have given him means for access to Osama bin-Laden.
While it is disturbing that Benazir Bhutto may have revealed that our government has been (and continues to be) lying to us about Osama The Big Bad Wolf, the revelation that his supposed killer was Omar Sheikh raises even more questions than the obvious 'Who the hell is making and releasing all those Osama bin-Laden videos and for what purpose?'.
Here are some interesting facts:
- Daniel Pearl was investigating, among other things, connections between the Pakistani ISI and terrorist groups when he was kidnapped and killed.
- On February 5, 2002, before Daniel Pearl's body was found, Omar Sheikh turned himself in to ISI officials. ISI kept Omar Sheikh (one of their agents) in custody for a week before turning him over to Pakistani police. What happened during that week is unknown as Omar Sheikh wouldn't discuss the details fearing his family will be killed.
- The trial of Omar Sheikh in Pakistan, the result of which was a death sentence, was held entirely in secret and with questionable evidence. According to The Guardian, both US officials and Marianne Pearl (Daniel Pearl's wife) have concluded that Omar Sheikh is not guilty.
- Before Omar Sheikh's trial had concluded, Pervez Musharraf publicly declared that he wanted the trial to result in a death sentence, leading many to believe he effectively ordered the courts to render that verdict.
- As of today, Omar Sheikh has not been executed. He has been held by the Pakistanis for years awaiting his appeal which has been delayed 32 times.
- Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales told Marianne Pearl (Daniel Pearl's wife) that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad confessed to the murder of Daniel Pearl. Daniel Pearl's family and former CIA investigators doubt that the confession, received only after Mohammad was tortured, is true.
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammad is the so-called "9/11 mastermind" whose identity was supposedly provided by the interrogations of Abu Zubayda and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The tapes of these interrogations were the ones famously destroyed by the CIA in 2005.
- On October 7, 2001 General Mahmood Ahmad was replaced as the head of the ISI at the request of the United States due to numerous reports that he had ordered Omar Sheikh to transfer $100,000 to Mohammad Atta before 9/11.
- ISI director General Mahmood Ahmad was in the United States during 9/11. In the days preceding the attacks, he met with CIA director George Tenet and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Mark Grossman. During the attacks, we was meeting with Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss (who will take over as CIA director after George Tenet leaves). After the attacks, Graham and Goss will co-head the House-Senate investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
- The previous time the director of the ISI, Ziauddin Butt, came to the United States was a few days before Pervez Musharraf took over control of Pakistan in a 1999 military coup.
- General Mahmood Ahmad received his position as the director of the ISI after helping dictator Pervez Musharraf claim power.
- Benazir Bhutto said that a "key figure in security" (ISI?) would be on the list of people who would want her dead.
- The ISI has been in existence since the 1980's due to the financing of the CIA and according to The Guardian "it has long been established that the ISI has acted as go-between in intelligence operations on behalf of the CIA."
I don't really know what to make of these facts and don't even know if all of them are relevant. But I do have some questions:
- Is it possible that Daniel Pearl had found out that Osama bin-Laden had been killed during the course of his investigation, leading him to be kidnapped one month after the alleged murder?
- If Omar Sheikh did kill Osama bin-Laden, could that explain why he was falsely accused and convicted of the murder of Daniel Pearl? To shut him up? Is he still alive, as believed, because of his ties to Pakistan's ISI?
- (The uncomfortable question) How much do CIA and Bush Administration officials know about the murder of Daniel Pearl? Did they have an interest in the silence of both Daniel Pearl and Omar Sheikh? Why hasn't the Bush Administration demanded that Pervez Musharraf allow the United States to question Omar Sheikh, since he is still alive and in their custody?
- How deep and how sinister is the alliance of the Bush government and the Musharraf government? How interconnected are the ISI and CIA and could the ISI assist Osama bin-Laden, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, and the Taliban without the knowledge of the CIA?
- Why does the Bush Administration want us to think Osama bin-Laden is still alive? How do they personally benefit from this deception more than they would benefit by publicly taking credit for catching Osama bin-Laden?
I understand that Benazir Bhutto's statement is uncorroborated and could very well not be true. However, she was the Prime Minister of Pakistan twice and is no doubt privy to more information than any reporter, especially reporters working for the American press. Also, it's her word against those of the Bush Administration, the CIA, Pervez Musharraf's government, and the American and British mainstream press. Who is more deserving of our trust?
If only she had not been assassinated. We could have asked her ourselves...
Follow-up posts:
January 5, 2008 - BBC Edited Bhutto Interview to Hide bin-Laden Revelation
January 14, 2008 - Benazir Bhutto Identified Her Assassin on International TV
November 15, 2008 -
While I'm irritated by the narrator of this video, who uses the word "obviously" far too many times when explaining his far from "obvious" opinion, he does present some interesting evidence that Benazir Bhutto may have mis-spoken, as she is quoted talking about the need to find Osama bin-Laden before and after the David Frost interview. The relevant portion starts at 2:14 in the video.
Benazir Bhutto (Sindhi: بينظير ڀٽو; Urdu: بینظیر بھٹو, pronounced [beːnəˈziːr ˈbʱʊʈʈoː]; 21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007) was a Pakistan-born politician, with Pakistani and Kurdish-Iranian origin, who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left and the largest political party in Pakistan. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state,[1] having twice been Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988–1990; 1993–1996). She was Pakistan's first and to date only female prime minister and was the eldest child of former Prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and former First Lady of Pakistan Mrs.Nusrat Bhutto, and was the wife of current President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister for the first time in 1988 at the age of 35, but was removed from office 20 months later under the order of then-President Ghulam Ishaq Khan on grounds of alleged corruption. In 1993 she was re-elected but was again removed in 1996 on similar charges, this time by her party's elected President Farooq Leghari. She went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998.
Bhutto returned to Pakistan on October 18th 2007, after reaching an understanding with President Pervez Musharraf by which she was granted amnesty and all corruption charges were withdrawn. She was assassinated on 27 December 2007, after departing a PPP rally in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general election of 2008 in which she was a leading opposition candidate. The following year, she was named one of seven winners of the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[2]
Benazir Bhutto: Omar Sheikh Murdered Osama bin-Laden
In a November 2, 2007 interview, less than two months before she would be assassinated, Benazir Bhutto was asked by reporter David Frost of Al-Jazeera English about a letter that she had sent to Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. The letter outlined who she believed should be investigated in the event of her assassination. While giving her answer, she listed as one of the suspects a "key figure in security... a former military officer in Pakistan" who had dealings with, among others, "Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin-Laden."
Jump to 1:37 to hear this portion of the interview:
(I should probably tell you that this is not the original video I posted. That one is "no longer available". Since I have this sneaky feeling that this is not the last time this post's video will somehow become unavailable, please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll refresh it.)
If that name, Omar Shieikh, sounds familiar it's because he was a key figure in some huge stories between 1999 and 2002. His full name is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and multiple variations of those names are used to describe him including Omar Sheikh and Saeed Sheikh. Here's how you may have heard of him:
Having trouble wrapping your head around this? I was too, so I did a little research. First, let's see if this revelation that Omar Sheikh murdered Osama bin-Laden is even possible. I guess the first question would be 'Is Osama bin-Laden dead'?
There are a few reports from around the world that I found that indicated that Osama bin-Laden had died. One report from a French newspaper said that Osama bin-Laden died on August 23, 2006 of typhoid fever. However, if Benazir Bhutto is to be taken at her word, this report cannot be true because Omar Sheikh has been in Pakistani police custody since February 2002 for the murder of Daniel Pearl.
However, some other reports, which seem to make some sense, indicated that Osama bin-Laden died in December 2001. An Egyptian newspaper called al-Wafd published the following article (Volume 15 No 4633) on December 26th, 2001:
If you look at a timeline of events involving Osama bin-Laden, ignoring the questionable videotapes, there is a noticeable shift in the type of communication Osama bin-Laden has with the world and the rhetoric used by Bush Administration and Pakistani officials in regards to the threat Osama bin-Laden poses starting in the middle of December 2001. Some highlights:
September 15, 2001 – President Bush says of bin-Laden, “If he thinks he can hide and run from theUnited States and our allies, he will be sorely mistaken.”
September 17, 2001 – President Bush says, “I want justice. And there’s an old poster out West, I recall, that says, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive.’”
November 25, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden gives his last known public speech to his followers inMilawa , Afghanistan , a village located on the route from Tora Bora to the Pakistani border.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
November 28, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden reportedly escapes Tora Bora
December 15, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden's voice is reportedly intercepted for the last time communicating with his fighters in Tora Bora via his shortwave radio
December 26, 2001 - Article about Osama bin-Laden's funeral is published in Pakistan and Egypt . The funeral allegedly takes place about 10 days earlier. The article is also discussed by Fox News.
January 18, 2002 – Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf tells CNN that he believes Osama bin-Laden to be dead
January 27, 2002 - Vice President Dick Cheney says that Osama bin-Laden "isn't that big of a threat. Bin Laden connected to this worldwide organization of terror is a threat."
January 27, 2002 – White House Chief of Staff Andy Card tells CNN, “"I do not know for a fact that he's alive. I happen to believe he's probably alive… Our overall objective is to defeat terrorism, wherever it is around the world. And so, our objective is not to get Osama bin Laden."
January 29, 2002 – President Bush delivers his first State of the Union address since 9/11. While he labelsIraq , Iran , and North Korea the “axis of evil”, he fails to mention Osama bin-Laden at all.
March 13, 2002 – President Bush says, “Deep in my heart I know the man is on the run, if he's alive at all… He’s a person who’s now been marginalized.… I just don’t spend that much time on him.… I truly am not that concerned about him.”
April 4, 2002 - Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers says, "The goal has never been to get bin-Laden"
October 16, 2002 – Middle East Newsline reports that Israeli Intelligence officials confirmed thatIsrael and the United States believe Osama bin-Laden was killed in mid-December 2001 during the Tora Bora bombing campaign.This timeline, with Osama bin-Laden's death allegedly occurring in the middle of December 2001, makes it possible that Omar Sheikh could have committed the murder. From October 2001 through January 19, 2002, Omar Sheikh was living openly in his home in Lahore, Pakistan. His positions as leader of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (a Taliban and Osama bin-Laden partner) and ISI agent (the source of funds for Harkat-ul-Mujahideen) would also have given him means for access to Osama bin-Laden.
While it is disturbing that Benazir Bhutto may have revealed that our government has been (and continues to be) lying to us about Osama The Big Bad Wolf, the revelation that his supposed killer was Omar Sheikh raises even more questions than the obvious 'Who the hell is making and releasing all those Osama bin-Laden videos and for what purpose?'.
Here are some interesting facts:
If only she had not been assassinated. We could have asked her ourselves...
Follow-up posts:
January 5, 2008 - BBC Edited Bhutto Interview to Hide bin-Laden Revelation
January 14, 2008 - Benazir Bhutto Identified Her Assassin on International TV
November 15, 2008 -
While I'm irritated by the narrator of this video, who uses the word "obviously" far too many times when explaining his far from "obvious" opinion, he does present some interesting evidence that Benazir Bhutto may have mis-spoken, as she is quoted talking about the need to find Osama bin-Laden before and after the David Frost interview. The relevant portion starts at 2:14 in the video.
Benazir Bhutto (Sindhi: بينظير ڀٽو; Urdu: بینظیر بھٹو, pronounced [beːnəˈziːr ˈbʱʊʈʈoː]; 21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007) was a Pakistan-born politician, with Pakistani and Kurdish-Iranian origin, who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left and the largest political party in Pakistan. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state,[1] having twice been Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988–1990; 1993–1996). She was Pakistan's first and to date only female prime minister and was the eldest child of former Prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and former First Lady of Pakistan Mrs.Nusrat Bhutto, and was the wife of current President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister for the first time in 1988 at the age of 35, but was removed from office 20 months later under the order of then-President Ghulam Ishaq Khan on grounds of alleged corruption. In 1993 she was re-elected but was again removed in 1996 on similar charges, this time by her party's elected President Farooq Leghari. She went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998.
Bhutto returned to Pakistan on October 18th 2007, after reaching an understanding with President Pervez Musharraf by which she was granted amnesty and all corruption charges were withdrawn. She was assassinated on 27 December 2007, after departing a PPP rally in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general election of 2008 in which she was a leading opposition candidate. The following year, she was named one of seven winners of the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[2]
Jump to 1:37 to hear this portion of the interview:
(I should probably tell you that this is not the original video I posted. That one is "no longer available". Since I have this sneaky feeling that this is not the last time this post's video will somehow become unavailable, please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll refresh it.)
If that name, Omar Shieikh, sounds familiar it's because he was a key figure in some huge stories between 1999 and 2002. His full name is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and multiple variations of those names are used to describe him including Omar Sheikh and Saeed Sheikh. Here's how you may have heard of him:
- In 1999, Indian Airlines flight 814 was hijacked by Pakistani nationals. In return for the hostages, the hijackers demanded India release the leaders of the ISI (the Pakistani version of the CIA) funded group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. One of these leaders was Omar Sheikh.
- In the months before 9/11, using the alias "Mustafa Mohammad Ahmed", Omar Sheikh transferred at least $100,000 to Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers.
- Omar Sheikh was sentenced to death in 2002 for the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
Having trouble wrapping your head around this? I was too, so I did a little research. First, let's see if this revelation that Omar Sheikh murdered Osama bin-Laden is even possible. I guess the first question would be 'Is Osama bin-Laden dead'?
There are a few reports from around the world that I found that indicated that Osama bin-Laden had died. One report from a French newspaper said that Osama bin-Laden died on August 23, 2006 of typhoid fever. However, if Benazir Bhutto is to be taken at her word, this report cannot be true because Omar Sheikh has been in Pakistani police custody since February 2002 for the murder of Daniel Pearl.
However, some other reports, which seem to make some sense, indicated that Osama bin-Laden died in December 2001. An Egyptian newspaper called al-Wafd published the following article (Volume 15 No 4633) on December 26th, 2001:
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air. The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.If the funeral took place 10 days before this article was published in al-Wafd and The Observer of Pakistan, this would put the death of Osama bin-Laden around the 16th or 17th of December 2001. Israeli intelligence officials also told reporters in October 2002 that they and United States officials believe that Osama bin-Laden had been killed in December 2001.
If you look at a timeline of events involving Osama bin-Laden, ignoring the questionable videotapes, there is a noticeable shift in the type of communication Osama bin-Laden has with the world and the rhetoric used by Bush Administration and Pakistani officials in regards to the threat Osama bin-Laden poses starting in the middle of December 2001. Some highlights:
September 15, 2001 – President Bush says of bin-Laden, “If he thinks he can hide and run from the
September 17, 2001 – President Bush says, “I want justice. And there’s an old poster out West, I recall, that says, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive.’”
November 7, 2001 - Pakistani reporter Hamid Mir interviews Osama bin-Laden in person.
November 25, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden gives his last known public speech to his followers in
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
November 28, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden reportedly escapes Tora Bora
December 15, 2001 - Osama bin-Laden's voice is reportedly intercepted for the last time communicating with his fighters in Tora Bora via his shortwave radio
December 17, 2001 - US Intelligence and Pentagon officials admit they have lost Osama bin-Laden
January 18, 2002 – Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf tells CNN that he believes Osama bin-Laden to be dead
January 27, 2002 - Vice President Dick Cheney says that Osama bin-Laden "isn't that big of a threat. Bin Laden connected to this worldwide organization of terror is a threat."
January 27, 2002 – White House Chief of Staff Andy Card tells CNN, “"I do not know for a fact that he's alive. I happen to believe he's probably alive… Our overall objective is to defeat terrorism, wherever it is around the world. And so, our objective is not to get Osama bin Laden."
January 29, 2002 – President Bush delivers his first State of the Union address since 9/11. While he labels
March 13, 2002 – President Bush says, “Deep in my heart I know the man is on the run, if he's alive at all… He’s a person who’s now been marginalized.… I just don’t spend that much time on him.… I truly am not that concerned about him.”
April 4, 2002 - Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers says, "The goal has never been to get bin-Laden"
October 16, 2002 – Middle East Newsline reports that Israeli Intelligence officials confirmed that
While it is disturbing that Benazir Bhutto may have revealed that our government has been (and continues to be) lying to us about Osama The Big Bad Wolf, the revelation that his supposed killer was Omar Sheikh raises even more questions than the obvious 'Who the hell is making and releasing all those Osama bin-Laden videos and for what purpose?'.
Here are some interesting facts:
- Daniel Pearl was investigating, among other things, connections between the Pakistani ISI and terrorist groups when he was kidnapped and killed.
- On February 5, 2002, before Daniel Pearl's body was found, Omar Sheikh turned himself in to ISI officials. ISI kept Omar Sheikh (one of their agents) in custody for a week before turning him over to Pakistani police. What happened during that week is unknown as Omar Sheikh wouldn't discuss the details fearing his family will be killed.
- The trial of Omar Sheikh in Pakistan, the result of which was a death sentence, was held entirely in secret and with questionable evidence. According to The Guardian, both US officials and Marianne Pearl (Daniel Pearl's wife) have concluded that Omar Sheikh is not guilty.
- Before Omar Sheikh's trial had concluded, Pervez Musharraf publicly declared that he wanted the trial to result in a death sentence, leading many to believe he effectively ordered the courts to render that verdict.
- As of today, Omar Sheikh has not been executed. He has been held by the Pakistanis for years awaiting his appeal which has been delayed 32 times.
- Condoleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales told Marianne Pearl (Daniel Pearl's wife) that Khalid Sheikh Mohammad confessed to the murder of Daniel Pearl. Daniel Pearl's family and former CIA investigators doubt that the confession, received only after Mohammad was tortured, is true.
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammad is the so-called "9/11 mastermind" whose identity was supposedly provided by the interrogations of Abu Zubayda and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The tapes of these interrogations were the ones famously destroyed by the CIA in 2005.
- On October 7, 2001 General Mahmood Ahmad was replaced as the head of the ISI at the request of the United States due to numerous reports that he had ordered Omar Sheikh to transfer $100,000 to Mohammad Atta before 9/11.
- ISI director General Mahmood Ahmad was in the United States during 9/11. In the days preceding the attacks, he met with CIA director George Tenet and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Mark Grossman. During the attacks, we was meeting with Senator Bob Graham and Representative Porter Goss (who will take over as CIA director after George Tenet leaves). After the attacks, Graham and Goss will co-head the House-Senate investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
- The previous time the director of the ISI, Ziauddin Butt, came to the United States was a few days before Pervez Musharraf took over control of Pakistan in a 1999 military coup.
- General Mahmood Ahmad received his position as the director of the ISI after helping dictator Pervez Musharraf claim power.
- Benazir Bhutto said that a "key figure in security" (ISI?) would be on the list of people who would want her dead.
- The ISI has been in existence since the 1980's due to the financing of the CIA and according to The Guardian "it has long been established that the ISI has acted as go-between in intelligence operations on behalf of the CIA."
- Is it possible that Daniel Pearl had found out that Osama bin-Laden had been killed during the course of his investigation, leading him to be kidnapped one month after the alleged murder?
- If Omar Sheikh did kill Osama bin-Laden, could that explain why he was falsely accused and convicted of the murder of Daniel Pearl? To shut him up? Is he still alive, as believed, because of his ties to Pakistan's ISI?
- (The uncomfortable question) How much do CIA and Bush Administration officials know about the murder of Daniel Pearl? Did they have an interest in the silence of both Daniel Pearl and Omar Sheikh? Why hasn't the Bush Administration demanded that Pervez Musharraf allow the United States to question Omar Sheikh, since he is still alive and in their custody?
- How deep and how sinister is the alliance of the Bush government and the Musharraf government? How interconnected are the ISI and CIA and could the ISI assist Osama bin-Laden, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, and the Taliban without the knowledge of the CIA?
- Why does the Bush Administration want us to think Osama bin-Laden is still alive? How do they personally benefit from this deception more than they would benefit by publicly taking credit for catching Osama bin-Laden?
If only she had not been assassinated. We could have asked her ourselves...
Follow-up posts:
January 5, 2008 - BBC Edited Bhutto Interview to Hide bin-Laden Revelation
January 14, 2008 - Benazir Bhutto Identified Her Assassin on International TV
November 15, 2008 -
While I'm irritated by the narrator of this video, who uses the word "obviously" far too many times when explaining his far from "obvious" opinion, he does present some interesting evidence that Benazir Bhutto may have mis-spoken, as she is quoted talking about the need to find Osama bin-Laden before and after the David Frost interview. The relevant portion starts at 2:14 in the video.
Benazir Bhutto (Sindhi: بينظير ڀٽو; Urdu: بینظیر بھٹو, pronounced [beːnəˈziːr ˈbʱʊʈʈoː]; 21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007) was a Pakistan-born politician, with Pakistani and Kurdish-Iranian origin, who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left and the largest political party in Pakistan. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state,[1] having twice been Prime Minister of Pakistan (1988–1990; 1993–1996). She was Pakistan's first and to date only female prime minister and was the eldest child of former Prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and former First Lady of Pakistan Mrs.Nusrat Bhutto, and was the wife of current President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari.
Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister for the first time in 1988 at the age of 35, but was removed from office 20 months later under the order of then-President Ghulam Ishaq Khan on grounds of alleged corruption. In 1993 she was re-elected but was again removed in 1996 on similar charges, this time by her party's elected President Farooq Leghari. She went into self-imposed exile in Dubai in 1998.
Bhutto returned to Pakistan on October 18th 2007, after reaching an understanding with President Pervez Musharraf by which she was granted amnesty and all corruption charges were withdrawn. She was assassinated on 27 December 2007, after departing a PPP rally in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general election of 2008 in which she was a leading opposition candidate. The following year, she was named one of seven winners of the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights.[2]
1) Vietnam (1964-1975)
MEDIA LIE: On 2 and 3 August North Vietnam attacked two U.S. ships in the Bay of Tonkin.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: This attack did not happen. It was an invention of the White House.
Goal: Prevent Vietnam independence and maintain U.S. dominance in the region
Consequences: Millions of victims, genetic malformations (Agent Orange), massive social problems.
2) Grenada (1983)
MEDIA LIE: The small Caribbean island was accused erecting a Soviet military base and bringing danger to the lives of American Physicians.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Absolutely not. President Reagan coined these pretexts.
Goal: Prevent the democratic and social reforms of Prime Minister Bishop (later assassinated)
Consequences: Brutal repression and restoring trust in Washington.
3) Panama (1989)
MEDIA LIE: The invasion was intended to arrest President Noriega for drug trafficking.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: A CIA agent, Noriega claimed sovereignty over the canal ending the agreement, which was intolerable to the United States.
Goal: Keep the U.S. control over this strategic line of communication.
Consequences: The U.S. bombing killed between 2 and 4 million civilians, ignored by the media.
4) Iraq (1991)
MEDIA LIE: The Iraqis would have destroyed part of the motherhood of Kuwait City.
WHAT WE'VE LEARNED LATER: Total invention of the advertising agency Hill and Knowlton, paid by the Emir of Kuwait.
Goal: Prevent the Middle East resistance to Israel and it behaving with independence from the United States.
Consequences: Countless victims of war, after a long embargo, including medicines.
MEDIA LIE: On 2 and 3 August North Vietnam attacked two U.S. ships in the Bay of Tonkin.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: This attack did not happen. It was an invention of the White House.
Goal: Prevent Vietnam independence and maintain U.S. dominance in the region
Consequences: Millions of victims, genetic malformations (Agent Orange), massive social problems.
2) Grenada (1983)
MEDIA LIE: The small Caribbean island was accused erecting a Soviet military base and bringing danger to the lives of American Physicians.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Absolutely not. President Reagan coined these pretexts.
Goal: Prevent the democratic and social reforms of Prime Minister Bishop (later assassinated)
Consequences: Brutal repression and restoring trust in Washington.
3) Panama (1989)
MEDIA LIE: The invasion was intended to arrest President Noriega for drug trafficking.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: A CIA agent, Noriega claimed sovereignty over the canal ending the agreement, which was intolerable to the United States.
Goal: Keep the U.S. control over this strategic line of communication.
Consequences: The U.S. bombing killed between 2 and 4 million civilians, ignored by the media.
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4) Iraq (1991)
MEDIA LIE: The Iraqis would have destroyed part of the motherhood of Kuwait City.
WHAT WE'VE LEARNED LATER: Total invention of the advertising agency Hill and Knowlton, paid by the Emir of Kuwait.
Goal: Prevent the Middle East resistance to Israel and it behaving with independence from the United States.
Consequences: Countless victims of war, after a long embargo, including medicines.
5) Somalia (1993)
MEDIA LIE: Mr. Kouchner appears on the scene as a hero in a humanitarian intervention.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Four U.S. companies had bought a quarter of the Somalia subsoil rich in oil.
Goal: To control a militarily strategic region.
Consequences: Unable to control the region, the United States will maintain it in total chaos.
MEDIA LIE: Mr. Kouchner appears on the scene as a hero in a humanitarian intervention.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Four U.S. companies had bought a quarter of the Somalia subsoil rich in oil.
Goal: To control a militarily strategic region.
Consequences: Unable to control the region, the United States will maintain it in total chaos.
6) Bosnia (1992-1995)
MEDIA LIE: The American firm Ruder Finn and Bernard Kouchner disclose the existence of Serbian death camps.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Ruder Finn and Kouchner lied. Those camps were for prisoners. The Muslim president Izetbegovic admitted it.
Goal: To break a leftist Yugoslavia, to eliminate its social system, and submit the area under multinational control of the strategic routes of the Danube and the Balkans.
Consequences: Four years of horrendous war for all nationalities (Muslims, Serbs and Croats). Provoked by Berlin, prolonged by Washington.
7) Yugoslavia (1999)
MEDIA LIE: The Serbs committed genocide against the Albanians in Kosovo.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Pure NATO invention as admitted by Jamie Shea, its official spokesman.
Goal: To impose the power of NATO in the Balkans and its transformation into the world's policeman. Install an American military base in Kosovo.
Consequences: Two thousand victims of NATO bombing. Ethnic cleansing of most non-Albanians from Kosovo by the KLA, protected by NATO.
MEDIA LIE: The American firm Ruder Finn and Bernard Kouchner disclose the existence of Serbian death camps.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Ruder Finn and Kouchner lied. Those camps were for prisoners. The Muslim president Izetbegovic admitted it.
Goal: To break a leftist Yugoslavia, to eliminate its social system, and submit the area under multinational control of the strategic routes of the Danube and the Balkans.
Consequences: Four years of horrendous war for all nationalities (Muslims, Serbs and Croats). Provoked by Berlin, prolonged by Washington.
7) Yugoslavia (1999)
MEDIA LIE: The Serbs committed genocide against the Albanians in Kosovo.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: Pure NATO invention as admitted by Jamie Shea, its official spokesman.
Goal: To impose the power of NATO in the Balkans and its transformation into the world's policeman. Install an American military base in Kosovo.
Consequences: Two thousand victims of NATO bombing. Ethnic cleansing of most non-Albanians from Kosovo by the KLA, protected by NATO.
8) Afghanistan (2001)
MEDIA LIE: Bush wanted to avenge the September 11 and capture Bin Laden
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: There is no evidence of the existence of this network. Moreover, the Taliban had offered to extradite Bin Laden.
Goal: To militarily control the strategic center of Asia, to build a pipeline that would allow control of the energy supply in South Asia.
Consequences: Long term occupation and greatly increased production and trafficking of opium.
MEDIA LIE: Bush wanted to avenge the September 11 and capture Bin Laden
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: There is no evidence of the existence of this network. Moreover, the Taliban had offered to extradite Bin Laden.
Goal: To militarily control the strategic center of Asia, to build a pipeline that would allow control of the energy supply in South Asia.
Consequences: Long term occupation and greatly increased production and trafficking of opium.
9) Iraq (2003)
MEDIA LIE: Saddam has dangerous weapons of mass destruction, Affirmed by Powell at the United Nations, showing evidence.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: The White House ordered the falsification of these reports (attention to subject Libby) or manufacture of them.
Goal: To control all the oil and blackmail rivals: Europe, Japan, China ...
Consequences: Iraq submerged in chaos and barbarism, and the women returned to submission and obscurantism.
MEDIA LIE: Saddam has dangerous weapons of mass destruction, Affirmed by Powell at the United Nations, showing evidence.
WHAT WE LEARNED LATER: The White House ordered the falsification of these reports (attention to subject Libby) or manufacture of them.
Goal: To control all the oil and blackmail rivals: Europe, Japan, China ...
Consequences: Iraq submerged in chaos and barbarism, and the women returned to submission and obscurantism.
10) Venezuela - Ecuador (2008?)
MEDIA LIE: Chavez supports terrorism, imports weapons, he would be a dictator (the ultimate excuse seems not to have been chosen yet.)
TRUE OBJECTIVE: The multinational wants to keep control of oil and other riches of Latin America, fearing the democratic and social liberation of the continent.
Consequences: Washington leads a global war on the continent: coups, economic sabotage, blackmail, establishment of military bases close to natural resources
MEDIA LIE: Chavez supports terrorism, imports weapons, he would be a dictator (the ultimate excuse seems not to have been chosen yet.)
TRUE OBJECTIVE: The multinational wants to keep control of oil and other riches of Latin America, fearing the democratic and social liberation of the continent.
Consequences: Washington leads a global war on the continent: coups, economic sabotage, blackmail, establishment of military bases close to natural resources
11) Libya - it's up to the international community to stop the lies and the attacks. We've shown there's no "innocent civilians" being attacked, but heavily armed terrorists. There is no "popular" rebellion as the British media would portray the big lie. It's just the opposite, this "rebellion" is not popular. Water, oil, vast resources are the target, as well as re-establishing bases and control of the continent.
He also claims that State Department Official Richard Armitage threatened that if Pakistan did not co-operate with the “war on terror,” the US would bomb it “back into the stone age” (see September 11-16, 2001).
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