Missing Pieces by Mark Leland Mallory Records/Nashville
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhScvPYXunc (you won't wanna miss this..... dedicated to my friends Michelle, Theresa and Holly Robinson Peete) Happy Belated Mother's Day......... You go girls!!!
I'm In Here - The Anthem For Autism
Actor Musician Jack Black - Autism Song Debut
Colors and autism song
In the segment, MacNeil explores his family's sacrifices raising an autistic child and reveals the pain experienced by his daughter, 10-year-old granddaughter, even himself. He begins the segment: "It's not easy connecting with Nick."
Latest Scandal: Autism, Vaccines and a boy named Nick
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/jan-june11/autism_04-18.html#disqus_thread (be sure and watch the video) ...cal
According to Treffert, about half of all people with savant syndrome have autistic disorder,
Rain Man is a 1988 comedy-drama film written by Barry Morrow and Ronald Bass and directed by Barry Levinson. It tells the story of an abrasive and selfish yuppie, Charlie Babbitt, who discovers that his estranged father has died and bequeathed all of his multimillion-dollar estate to his other son, Raymond, a man with low functioning autism of whose existence Charlie was unaware.
Autism is a syndrome characterized by impairments in social relatedness, language and communication, a need for routine and sameness, abnormal movements, and sensory dysfunction. Mercury (Hg) is a toxic metal that can exist as a pure element or in a variety of inorganic and organic forms and can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism. Thimerosal, a preservative frequently added to childhood vaccines, has become a major source of Hg in human infants and toddlers. According to the FDA and the American Academy of Pediatricians, fully vaccinated children now receive, within their first two years, Hg levels that exceed safety limits established by the FDA and other supervisory agencies. A thorough review of medical literature and U.S. government data indicates (i) that many and perhaps most cases of idiopathic autism, in which an extended period of developmental normalcy is followed by an emergence of symptoms, are induced by early exposure to Hg; (ii) that this type of autism represents a unique form of Hg poisoning (HgP); (iii) that excessive Hg exposure from thimerosal in vaccine injections is an etiological mechanism for causing the traits of autism; (iv) that certain genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosal's adverse effects occur only in some children; and (v) that vaccinal Hg in thimerosal is causing a heretofore unrecognized mercurial syndrome.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is a former United States Ambassador to Indonesia, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank, and former dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. He is currently a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, working on issues of international economic development, Africa and public-private partnerships,[4] and chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council.[5]
After the war Nitze married Phyllis Pratt, a Standard Oil heiress. While in Washington he associated with a group of journalists, politicians and government officials that became known as the Georgetown Set
Paul Nitze
The man who brought us the Cold War.
Posted Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004, at 6:49 PM ETIn the annals of Cold War history, three sets of documents stand out as potent hair-raisers—the kinds of documents that not only gave their readers cold sweats, but also changed the course of American security policy—and Nitze wrote all of them.
Nitze's refusal to be pigeon-holed with any one party or side in a policy debate often led observers and critics to argue he was at best contradictory in his positions, at worst cynically partisan in his critiques (a "flip-flopper" in current usage), though he would hold that his positions were always founded upon rational analysis of the facts, not emotional attachment to ideological positions. In hindsight, the record suggests that, while U.S. military might had to be both effective and usable to provide a viable deterrent in his view, Nitze's longer-term objective was to build up in order to build down through carefully crafted arms control agreements. For Nitze, God (or more often the Devil) was in the details on both sides of this process, and, as he stressed in his assessment of the pros and cons of anti-missile defense systems, often the critical question was whether the weapons system, or the proposed policy, was cost-effective at the margin. (Note 1)
1) Charles Pratt (October 2, 1830 – May 4, 1891) was a United States capitalist, businessman and philanthropist.
Pratt was a pioneer of the U.S. petroleum industry, and established his kerosene refinery Astral Oil Works in Brooklyn, New York. An advertising slogan was "The holy lamps of Tibet are primed with Astral Oil." He recruited Henry H. Rogers into his business, forming Charles Pratt and Company in 1867. Seven years later, it became part of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
Pratt was a pioneer of the U.S. petroleum industry, and established his kerosene refinery Astral Oil Works in Brooklyn, New York. An advertising slogan was "The holy lamps of Tibet are primed with Astral Oil." He recruited Henry H. Rogers into his business, forming Charles Pratt and Company in 1867. Seven years later, it became part of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
2) Charle's Pratt's granddaughter Phyllis Pratt (daughter of John Teele Pratt) was married to arms-control negotiator Paul Nitze.[citation needed]
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